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Ping Kang

Ping Kang

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor
Dr. Kang joined ISU in 2016. She has been interested in understanding how growth hormone regulates animal aging. Through transcriptomic and genetic analyses, she discovered a novel role of insect growth factor Ptth in controlling fruit fly lifespan via specifically targeting liver innate immunity and inflammation pathways.

- IGG travel awards at Iowa State University 2019
- GPSS travel awards at Iowa State University 2019
- International scholarship, Eastern Kentucky University, August 2008
- International scholarship, Eastern Kentucky University, January 2009
- Second place in teaching competition of Shanghai city, Shanghai, China 2002
- Outstanding teacher of Xin Long Middle School, Shanghai, China 2001-2004
- Outstanding student Scholarship, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 1994
- Outstanding student leadership, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 1996

Contact Info

3238 Molecular Bio
2437 Pammel Dr.


  • B. S., East China Normal University, 07/1997
  • M. S., Eastern Kentucky University, 08/2009
  • Ph. D., Iowa State University, 12/2022

More Information


BIOL 114X: Experiential Learning and Explorations in Life Sciences/The Sky is the Limit. Section 4: Decoding the Genetic Mechanisms of Metabolism and Aging. (Fall 2022 Syllabus Download)

BIOL 311X: Genome Editing and Engineering (First offering, Fall 2023)


Kang P, 2023. Hormonal regulation of aging and homeostasis in Drosophila melanogaster. ProQuest (PhD thesis).

Miao T, Kim J, Kang P, Fujiwara H, Hsu FF, Bai H. 2022. Acetyl-CoA-mediated autoacetylation of fatty acid synthase as a metabolic switch of de novo lipogenesis in Drosophila. The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).  

Birnbaum A, Sodders M, Bouska M, Chang K, Kang P, McNeill E, Bai H. 2021. FOXO regulates neuromuscular junction homeostasis during Drosophila aging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Huang K, Miao T, Chang K, Kim J, Kang P, Jiang Q, Simmonds AJ, Di Cara F, and Bai H. 2020. Impaired peroxisomal import in Drosophila oenocytes causes cardiac dysfunction by inducing upd3 as a peroxikine. Nature Communications. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-16781-w

Chang K#, Kang P#, Liu Y, Huang K, Miao T, Sagona AP, Nezis IP, Bodmer R, Ocorr K, Bai H. 2019.  TGFB-INHB/activin signaling regulates age-dependent autophagy and cardiac health through inhibition of MTORC2. Autophagy. (# co-first author)

Kang P, Chang K, Liu Y, Bouska M, Birnbaum A, Karashchuk G, Thakore R, Zheng W, Post S, Brent C, Li S, Tatar M & Bai H. 2017.Drosophila Kruppel homolog 1 represses lipolysis through interaction with dFOXO. Scientific Reports.

Zheng W, Rus F, Hernandez A, Kang P, Goldman W, Tatar M. 2018. Dehydration triggers ecdysone-mediated recognition-protein priming and elevated anti-bacterial immune responses in Drosophila Malpighian tubule renal cellsBMC Biology.

Bai H, Post S, Kang P, Tatar M. 2015. Drosophila longevity assurance conferred by reduced insulin receptor substrate chico requires 4E-BP. PLoS One.

Bai H, Kang P, Hernandez AM, Tatar M. 2013. Activin signaling targeted by insulin/dFOXO regulates aging and muscle proteostasis in Drosophila. PLoS Genetics. 9(11): e1003941.

Bai H, Kang P, Tatar M. 2012. Drosophila insulin-like peptide-6 (dilp6) expression from fat body extends lifespan and represses secretion of Drosophila insulin-like peptide-2 from the brain. Aging Cell. 11(6):978-85.

Lan Y., Kang P. 2003. How does the teacher encourage students to ask questions, and response to their questions during the class? People Education. Vol.13.

Lan Y., Kang P. 2003. The role of teachers in developing study habits of students. Putuo Education. Vol. 7.