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  • Our peer mentors are ready and able to assist students taking BIOL 211+L and BIOL 212+L during the Fall 2017 semester, as well as with other introductory courses such as chemistry.  The help room will be staffed Monday through Thursday from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and is located in room 110 Bessey Hall.

  • A new 1 credit course is available at Iowa State for students interested in research.  U ST 275X (Integrative Undergraduate Pre-Research Methods, Applications, and Communication Strategies) will teach students how to prepare for careers in research, identify mentors and research-related job opportunities on campus, and provide insight into national science scholarships and summer research fellowships nationwide.  

  • This coming Fall 2017 a new seminar (BIOL 495) will be offered.  The course will be structured like a journal club and involve weekly meetings with discussions led by classmates on the topics of ecology and evolutionary biology.  See here for more information and how to sign up.

  • The Faculty Senate recently approved the addition of a new minor: Pharmacology and Toxicology.  This minor will be overseen by the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Technology (BMS) and is especially appropriate for students considering post-graduate professional programs such as human medicine or vetrinary medicine.  Courses will focus on the effects of drugs and toxins on both animal and environmental systems.  The minor will require completion of 15 credits.

  • The Biological Sciences Club (BSC) has launched a more accessible Facebook page.

    Students of all majors are free to follow this Facebook group and attend club meetings.  Pass on the word to anyone interested in biological sciences!

  • Dr. Jean Serb will be offering her BIOL 495 seminar "Sensory Biology" for Spring 2017.  This course will explore how various organisms sense and navigate their environments.

  • Interested in both biology and earth sciences?  A new experimental course called Environmental Biogeochemistry will explore both of these topics.  This course will be co-taught by Professors Steven Hall and Betsy Swanner.  Topics covered include biological feedbacks to climate change, the importance of soil microbes, minerals that protect water quality, and environmental forensics using stable isotopes.  

  • The BIOL 428 course hasn't been offered in recent years, and we're excited to announce that this course will be offered Fall 2016!  It will introduce students to multidisciplinary methods used to investigate cell biology and emphasize the dynamic organization and regulation of cellular processes.

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