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Biology and Genetics host Meals From the Heartland community service event

The Biology and Genetics Undergraduate Programs are hosting a Meals from the Heartland event on the ISU campus.

Meals from the Heartland banner

When: Saturday, October 15, 2022 (ISU football game is away)
Time: 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon
Where: Molecular Biology Building Atrium

Our goal is to package between 20,000 - 40,000 meals !!!!

8:30-10 AM: setup
10-12: Package thousands and thousands of meals
12-1:30 PM: Cleanup

How do I get involved and volunteer?

We also really need volunteers to assist in setup and cleanup. 
Setup will start at 8:30 AM, cleanup will take about an hour or so after the final food package has been sealed (~12:00-1:30 PM).

For additional information email: