Ecology for Summer 2021

Similarly to last year, ecology (BIOL 312) will not be offered this summer.  Instead, we will be offering a course called “Special Topics in Ecology” (BIOL 495 section T2) that will serve as a substitute for this class for Biology majors.  This three credit asynchronous online course will include the lecture components of BIOL 312 only and no laboratory.  The course will run for the first eight weeks of the summer (Session 1) or from May 18th to July 9th.  Dr. Tom Jurik will be the course instructor for Special Topics in Ecology.  Please contact him at if you have additional questions about the course. 

To register for Special Topics in Ecology, use the online course registration system in AccessPlus on or after your registration start date.  You can view your registration start date in your Student tab of AccessPlus under “Current Stdnt Info.”  You will also need your RAN (registration access number), which you’ll receive from your advisor when you discuss your summer and fall course plans together.  Instead of using the “Search for Class” dropdown menu, you will need to enter course reference number 2075905 in the appropriate field and then select “Add Class” (see - – for a video walkthrough).  This will add the course and it will appear as BIOL 495 section T2 in you summer class schedule.