April 8, 2020
The Biology Program is offering a special, online only substitute for ecology (BIOL 312) for students who were planning to take the course Summer 2020. This course - BIOL 495 section T1 (Special Topics in Ecology) - will be taught by Professor Tom Jurik. Students who have additional questions about the course should contact Dr. Jurik at jurik@iastate.edu.
In order to register for this course, follow these special instructions as the course will not be searchable in the AccessPlus registration system:
- Log in to the Class Registration system in AccessPlus as usual using your Summer/Fall 2020 registration access number (RAN)
- In the area reading "Add Class" enter the Reference Number 2075900 in the box at lower right, then click the "Add Class" button; if this doesn't work enter the value "3" in the "Variable Credits" area just below where it asks for the Reference Number.