Biology Minor Requirements

The Biology minor at Iowa State University adds a biological science focus to a student's program of study that can be tailored to their interest area.

To complete a Biology minor, students take 15 credits of life science coursework from the approved list, 9 credits of which must count only towards the Biology minor.  The following courses are required of all students wishing to minor in Biology:

Course #Course NameCredits
BIOL 2110Principles of Biology I3
BIOL 2110LPrinciples of Biology I Lab1
BIOL 2120Principles of Biology II3
BIOL 2120LPrinciples of Biology II Lab1

Students then also complete at least 7 credits of additional coursework to reach a total of 15 credits.  At least 6 of these credits must be at the 300-level or above with a grade of "C" or higher.  Courses approved for use in the minor include:

Course #Course NameCredits 
BIOL 3120Ecology4
BIOL 3130Principles of Genetics3
BIOL 3130LPrinciples of Genetics Lab1
BIOL 3140Principles of Molecular Cell Biology3
BIOL 3150Biological Evolution3
Course #Course NameCredits
BIOL 3110XGenome Editing and Engineering1
BIOL 3180Introduction to Ecosystems3
BIOL 3190Analysis of Environmental Systems3
BIOL 3220Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology3
BIOL 3280Molecular and Cellular Biology of Human Diseases3
BIOL 3350Human and Other Animal Physiology3
BIOL 3350LHuman and Other Animal Physiology Lab1
BIOL 3360Ecological and Evolutionary Animal Physiology3
BIOL 3440Human Reproduction3
BIOL 3490The Genome Perspective in Biology3
BIOL 3500Comprehensive Human Anatomy4
BIOL 3510Comparative Chordate Anatomy5
BIOL 3520Vertebrate Histology4
BIOL 3530Introductory Parasitology3
BIOL 3540Animal Behavior3
BIOL 3540LAnimal Behavior Lab1
BIOL 3550Plants and People3
BIOL 3560Dendrology4
BIOL 3570Biology of Plants3
BIOL 3580Bee Biology, Management, and Beekeeping3
BIOL 3640Invertebrate Biology3-4
BIOL 3650Vertebrate Biology4
BIOL 3660Plant Systematics4
BIOL 3700GIS for Ecology and Environmental Science1-6
BIOL 3710Ecological Methods3
BIOL 3750Marine Ecology and Ecosystems Dynamics3
BIOL 3930North American Field Trips1-4
BIOL 3940International Field Trips1-4
BIOL 3950XProfessional Development in Biological Sciences2
BIOL 4010Bioinformatics of Sequences3
BIOL 4020Introduction to Pathology3
BIOL 4030Introduction to Pathology II3
BIOL 4060Bioinformatics of OMICS3
BIOL 4140Life History and Reproductive Strategies3
BIOL 4210Biological Principles of Aging3
BIOL 4230Developmental Biology3
BIOL 4230LDevelopmental Biology Lab1
BIOL 4280Cell Biology3
BIOL 4300Principles of Plant Physiology3
BIOL 4340Endocrinology3
BIOL 4360Neurobiology3
BIOL 4510Plant Evolution and Phylogeny4
BIOL 4540Plant Anatomy4
BIOL 4550Bryophyte and Lichen Biodiversity3
BIOL 4560Principles of Mycology3
BIOL 4570Herpetology2
BIOL 4570LHerpetology Lab1
BIOL 4580Ornithology2
BIOL 4580LOrnithology Lab1
BIOL 4590Mammalogy2
BIOL 4590LMammalogy Lab1
BIOL 4620Evolutionary Genetics3
BIOL 4640Wetland Ecology3
BIOL 4650Macroevolution3
BIOL 4710Introduction to Conservation Biology3
BIOL 4720Community Ecology3
BIOL 4740Plant Ecology3
BIOL 4760Functional Ecology3
BIOL 4830Environmental Biogeochemistry3
BIOL 4840Ecosystem Ecology3
BIOL 4860Aquatic Ecology3
BIOL 4860LAquatic Ecology Lab1
BIOL 4870Microbial Ecology3
BIOL 4880Identification of Aquatic Organisms1
BIOL 4890Population Ecology3
BIOL 4900Independent Study1
BIOL 4910Undergraduate Teaching Experience1-2
BIOL 4940Biology Internship1-2
BIOL 4950Undergraduate Seminar1-3
BIOL 4990Undergraduate Research1-3