Departmental Seminars (BIOL 495 section T1) - Biological Effects of CO2 and Climate Change
Course Scheduled: Spring 2020, Tuesdays 3:40 pm to 4:30 pm
Credits: 1 credit
Grading: S/F only
Prerequisites: BIOL 312 (Ecology) or equivalent
Instructor(s): Tom Jurik (
There are many ramifications of climate change for life on our planet. In this seminar course, students will read papers from the scientific literature, do a presentation on a topic of choice, and guide discussion of the topic. Topics include but are not limited to: ocean acidification, coral bleaching, phenology, range shifts, potential for migration, community structure, food quality, herbivores, plant productivity, the biota of glaciers, biodiversity, fire, sea levels, climate feedbacks, and more.