Human Medicine

Your Pathway to a Health Career

Medical professionals provide health care services to humans and include a wide variety of specialties: dentists, doctors, optometrists, podiatrists, genetic counselors, physical therapists, occupational therapists, physician assistants, and more.  They develop skills in microbiology, pathology, physiology, pharmacology, genetics, and surgery.  Many medical professionals practice medicine in a clinical setting, but training in this area can also open up careers in animal research, public health, food safety, regulatory medicine, and education. Many students and parents ask, "what's the best major if I'm pre-med (or interested in pre-health professions)?" Here's some information from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) about selecting a major if you are interested in human medicine/health professions. Biology is an excellent major for students interested in health professions! 

Becoming a medical professional usually requires specialized training and licensure, or post-graduate education.  There are many medical schools and other allied health programs in the United States, and each has somewhat different admissions requirements.  We recommend students investigate various paths in human medicine with their advisor and with the Pre-Health academic advising team in Catt Hall.  Students should identify programs to apply for as early as possible in order to determine exactly what preparation is required and tailor a program of study accordingly. 

Biology Specializations - Human Medicine (PDF)

Begin Your Adventure in Biology

Course Information

Recommended Courses

The core courses of the Biology Program and appropriate advanced courses provide very good preparation for pre-medical (pre-human health) students.  Students should closely examine the admissions requirements for their chosen school and prioritize those classes when selecting advanced biology coursework.  

We recommend taking at least 9 credits from the list below, especially anatomy and physiology coursework (lab courses are denoted by • ):

Course #Course NameCredits
BIOL 3220Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology3
BIOL 3280Molecular and Cellular Biology of Human Disease3
BIOL 3350 & L •Human and Other Animal Physiology & Lab4
BIOL 3360Ecological and Evolutionary Animal Physiology3
BIOL 3440Human Reproduction3
BIOL 3490The Genome Perspective in Biology3
BIOL 3500 •Comprehensive Human Anatomy4
BIOL 3510 •Comparative Chordate Anatomy5
BIOL 3520 •Vertebrate Histology4
BIOL 3530Introductory Parasitology3
BIOL 3540 & L •Animal Behavior & Lab4
BIOL 3650 •Vertebrate Biology4
BIOL 4020Introduction to Pathology3
BIOL 4210XBiology of Aging3
BIOL 4230Developmental Biology & Lab4
BIOL 4340Endocrinology3
BIOL 4360Neurobiology3
BIOL 4590 & L •Mammalogy & Lab3
ANTHR 3070 •Biological Anthropology3
ANTHR 3190 •Skeletal Biology3
ANTHR 4240Forensic Anthropology3
BBMB 4050Biochemistry II3
BBMB 4110 •Techniques in Biochemical Research4
BBMB 4200Mammalian Biochemistry3
BBMB 4400 • Laboratory in Microbial Physiology, Diversity, and Genetics4
B M S 4480 •Principles of Human Gross Anatomy4
ENT 3740 & L •Insects and our Health & Lab4
FS HN 3600Advanced Human Nutrition and Metabolism3
FS HN 3610 •Nutrition and Health Assessment2
FS HN 3640Nutrition and Prevention of Chronic Disease3
FS HN 3670Medical Terminology1
GEN 3400Human Genetics3
GEN 4090Molecular Genetics3
GEN 4100Analytical Genetics3
KIN 3550Biomechanics3
KIN 3630Basic Electrocardiography2
KIN 4720Neural Basis of Human Movement3
MICRO 3020 & L •Biology of Microorganisms & Lab4
MICRO 3100 & L •Medical Microbiology & Lab4
MICRO 3200Molecular and Cellular Bacteriology4
MICRO 4020Microbial Genetics3
MICRO 4080Virology3
MICRO 4750 & L •Immunology & Lab4
PSYCH 3100Brain and Behavior3
PSYCH 3150Drugs and Behavior3

Suggested Supporting Science Courses

These requirements vary depending on the type of program, but in general students should expect to take a full year of general chemistry, a full year of organic chemistry, and strongly consider taking more advanced biochemistry courses.  Many programs also require a full year of physics. Some professional schools in human medicine require one semester of calculus, and occasionally two. Social sciences, such as introductory psychology and introductory sociology, are also recommended, especially for students planning to take the MCAT.  

Student Spotlight

Talia Sylvester

Talia Sylvester

Hometown: Rogers, MN
Major: Biology
Minor: Psychology

Next Steps: Medical University of South Carolina, pursing Physician Assistant school

Opportunities at ISU

We strongly recommend students incorporate teaching experiences, job shadows, internships, and research in their program of study to create a competitive portfolio for applications.  Breadth of study and foreign language skills are often considered positive features in applicants for medical programs as well.

Biological Sciences Club (BSC)

The departmental club for Biology majors and anyone else interested in life science, the Biological Sciences Club features regular faculty speakers on a diverse range of life science topics.

Undergraduate Research Experience

Students in the Biology Program can engage in life science research and earn academic credit for the experience.  Students will learn how to seek out these opportunities during orientation and they are also welcome to discuss this with their academic advisor.  

Pre-Dental Club

The Pre-Dental Club aids ISU students pursuing a dentistry career with any questions they may have regarding dental school. 

Pre-Medical Club

ISU Pre-Medical Club is a organization that works to better prepare Pre-Medical students for acceptance into the medical field and to answer any questions about the path to and beyond medical school.

Pre-Pharmacy Club

The Pre-Pharmacy Club hosts a variety of activities to help prepare members for the pharmacy school application process. 

Pre-Physical Therapy Club

The goal of the Pre-Physical Therapy Club is to promote networking, individual growth, and preparation for future physical therapy professionals.

Pre-Physician Assistant Club

The purpose of the Pre-Physician Assistant Club is to educate students about the physician assistant profession and help students with the application process so they are adequately prepared when meeting with a potential employer or school.