Biodiversity and Evolution

Your Pathway to Becoming a Biologist

Biologists who specialize in studying the diversity of life uncover the histories of organisms and their characteristics through the lens of underlying evolutionary mechanisms. They develop a strong understanding of genetics, physiology, morphology, behavior, taxonomy, and systematics. Specialists may pursue a variety of careers in field or laboratory research in both the public and private sector while focusing on a group of organisms they are passionate about. Some biodiversity and evolution specialists may also work in education or in natural resource management.

Biology Specializations - Biodiversity and Evolution (PDF)

Begin Your Adventure in Biology

Course Information

Recommended Courses

The core courses of the Biology Program and appropriate advanced courses provide solid foundation for students wishing to emphasize evolution and biodiversity in their program of study.

When planning advanced coursework, we recommend students take at least one course in each of these three areas (lab courses are denoted by • ): 

Evolutionary Processes
Course #Course NameCredits
BIOL 4620Evolutionary Genetics3
BIOL 4650Macroevolution3
EEOB 5630Molecular Phylogenetics3
EEOB 5660Molecular Evolution3
EEOB 5670Empirical Population Genetics3
EEOB 5690Biogeography3
Systematics, Phylogenetics, and Biodiversity
Course #Course NameCredits
A ECL 3210 •Fish Biology3
ANTHR 3070 •Biological Anthropology3
BBMB 4300 Procaryotic Diversity and Ecology3
BIOL 3640Invertebrate Biology3 to 4
BIOL 3650 •Vertebrate Biology4
BIOL 3660 •Plant Systematics4
BIOL 4510Plant Evolution & Phylogeny4
BIOL 4570 & L •Herpetology & Lab3
EEOB 5680 •Advanced Systematics3
ENT 5760 •Systematic Entomology5
Natural History and Comparative Biology
Course #Course NameCredits
A ECL 3660 •Natural History of Iowa Vertebrates3
ANTHR 4380Primate Evolutionary Ecology and Behavior3
B M S 3290Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals3
BIOL 3360Ecolgical and Evolutionary Animal Physiology3
BIOL 3510 •Comparative Chordate Anatomy5
BIOL 3540 & L •Animal Behavior & Lab4
BIOL 3560 •Dendrology4
BIOL 3570Biology of Plants3
BIOL 4140Life History and Reproductive Strategies3
BIOL 4340Endocrinology3
BIOL 4540 •Plant Anatomy4
BIOL 4550 •Bryophyte and Lichen Diversity3
BIOL 4560 •Principles of Mycology3
BIOL 4580 & L •Ornithology & Lab3
BIOL 4580 & L •Mammalogy & Lab3
EEOB 5070Advanced Animal Behavior3
ENT 3700 •Insect Biology3
ENT 4710 •Insect Ecology3
NREM 3570 •Midwestern Prairie Plants1
NREM 3580 •Forest Herbaceous Layer1

Participating in experiential learning, such as an independent study course, related internship experience, and especially lab/field research is also advised. Many students specializing in this area pursue further education with a Masters or Ph.D.

Suggested Supporting Science Courses

Taking a single semester of general chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and physics is suitable for most students interested in biodiversity and evolution.  Students interested in molecular phylogenetics should take a full year of general chemistry, a full year of organic chemistry, and a more advanced biochemistry course.  In addition to these courses, students should take at least one semester of statistics.

Opportunities at ISU

Biological Sciences Club (BSC)

The departmental club for Biology majors and anyone else interested in life science, the Biological Sciences Club features regular faculty speakers on a diverse range of life science topics.  

Undergraduate Research Experience

Students in the Biology Program can engage in life science research and earn academic credit for the experience.  Students will learn how to seek out these opportunities during orientation and they are also welcome to discuss this with their academic advisor.  

Amphibian and Reptile Club

Students interested in herpetology can participate in the Amphibian and Reptile Club to meet, talk, and become involved in herpetology related activities.

Birding Club

A student organization for casual enjoyment of birds, the Birding Club makes a handful of field trips each year to observe birds in their habitats around the state.

Zoo, Exotics, and Wildlife Club

The Zoo, Exotics, and Wildlife (ZEW) Club is dedicated to providing students with an opportunity to learn about the care of zoo animals, exotic pets, and wildlife.